Friday, June 21, 2013

{16/52}: Caution: Fresh Paint

Do you ever have those days where you just can't seem to function? Not like an I'm so tired I don't want to do anything function, but more like a tripping over your own feet dropping everything you touch kind of non-function. I had one of the latter the other day, and it was actually a quite comical day despite what happened. 

Cody installed the speakers in my car, for the garage reorganized (that will last till our next project lol), and I spent about 6 hours painting the house. Out with the browns, in with some bright yet cool grays! We also got the new front door put in--go us!! It was a very productive day.

It was also a destructive day for me. My allergies were KILLING me--seriously, being allergic to grasses and cats sucks--and allergy meds were just not cooperating so I spent the whole day sneezing my face off! : P  I decided to start with painting the trim so I could be a little "messy" with where the paint went. Despite what I felt was free spirited painting, why does painting take so long??? I got only the trim done on the front of the house in 6 hours! 6!! ...OCD tendencies win again. Ooooohh well :) 

Pretty new door!

The destruction:
- being on a ladder in flip flops (really, Ashley?)
- moving said ladder with a tool on top resulting in it falling off and, naturally, the sharp side of it finding a place on my thigh. I've got a pretty bruise, luckily not so big of a wound after neosporin
- forgetting how high I was on the ladder and hitting my head on the roof trusses...multiple times.
- at the end of the day, bringing in a bucket with the brushes and our water glasses from the garage: I went to set down the brushes in our paint bin, started to fall backwards, and ended up going Hulk on the glasses in my hand and smashed them up against my thigh as I was falling!!!!...right over the spot I had stabbed just a few hours earlier. Broken glass, water went everywhere...

Cody's thoughts as he's cleaning up glass and I'm putting on band aids--this just isn't your day, is it? ;) Really, it could have been a lot worse--I'm so lucky my hand and leg didn't get cut to shreds when I did that. I still don't know what the heck that was or why, it was like slow motion when I did it and took me a minute to register what had just happened! 

Despite the blunders, so far it's looking good--I got a little bit more done the other night before heading to work, but haven't had a chance to get back to it. I'm sure the neighbors are digging the pinstripe look ;)

Painting is not complete without getting it all over myself ;) 

My last night shift is tonight--and it's REALLY my last one this time!!!!! I don't know how my coworkers have been doing this for 4 years or more--one also went to school while on nights, one went to school AND had two little ones to run after, and the other has been on night shift for years--I admire them for being able to do it, I feel like I've been a monster on nights! I hate feeling like I have to sacrifice sleep so that I can get up early enough to get something accomplished. Sleeping through the day, waking up and doing the dishes, making dinner, then going back to work and doing it all over again for 7 days just does not fly for me! 

But, it's OVER. : D  Cue happy dance as of 1:30pm on Saturday...that's about when I'll wake up lol

Oh bachelorette party is slated for that night, being planned by the future sister-in-law bridesmaid, and I've been left in the dark about what's going down. All I know is I need my cowboy boots, a hat and show up at 7!  Pretty excited to have some fun with some of my favorite ladies...little bit scared at the same time ;)

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