Monday, December 23, 2013

{43/52} Aaaaaannnd I'm back--in school, that is.

(What happened to weeks 17 - 42??. . .Life!)

We got married.

We had an amazing honeymoon in the Dominican Republic.

We moved to nice neighborhood outside of Portland.

I started my first semester of pharmacy school.

Cody officially became a full-time employed dental hygienist (woo hoo!)

I have used public transportation more in the last 4 months than I have my entire life.

I failed only one exam so far - and failed means got 89% instead of 90%  : P

I have made great new friends.

I have discovered the deep love I have for trying and cooking new dishes.

You've heard of the "freshman 15'? I reached the graduate school 10 (is that a thing? haha)..thank you stress eating...and my love for good food.

And last but not least, after 17 weeks of roller coaster emotions, I've successfully finished my first semester of pharmacy school.

So much change has happened since my last update, and I can't believe that 2014 is just around the corner. I have not ever cherished a school break like I have this one! :)

Our wedding day was perfect and went by way too fast. We got to celebrate with the wonderful people we get to call friends and family and had an absolute blast....the time rolled around for the DJ to leave and there were still tons of us on the dance floor--I'd say it was a successful celebration! Our honeymoon was just as wonderful. We got to swim with dolphins (I've wanted to do it for as long as I can remember!) and see a little bit of the Dominican countryside. Of course there was lots of relaxing on the beach and by the pool, taking advantage of the perks of staying at an all-inclusive resort. My birthday fell on the last full day of our trip--couldn't ask for a better way to have spent it! We also had a fun second celebration with my family in Oklahoma after we got back from our trip. It meant a lot to get to share that with them! From our wedding day to the day we moved in to our apartment in Portland was only 3 weeks--talk about a whirlwind! 

The last 6 months have not been a cake walk by any means. A lot of crap has happened that has challenged many aspects of my life, and a lot of good things have happened too. But, there will be no dwelling on what could have been done differently, no holding grudges, no letting anyone belittle my accomplishments--moving onward and upward with this new chapter. I can't fix things I didn't know were broken and I sure can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped. I have so many other things to be thankful for and happy about in my life that there's just simply no time for much else :)  My time and energy are going to be focused doing well in school and on those people and things that make me happy, that love me for who I am and what I'm doing. I am (still) learning that people who want to be happy will do things to make it so, people who want to be unhappy will continuously find things to complain about, and that people make time for the things and people that they want to. Take a deep breath and let it go - one of my favorite sayings I've come across (on Pinterest, of course!).

This break hasn't exactly been a break so far, but I got spend time with my husband on more than just the weekends and that has been great! A couple of months ago he was offered a position at a very successful dental practice and he really loves it there! We attended our first formal work Christmas party a few weeks ago and had a great time with all of his new coworkers--I even got to pick out a little black dress for the occasion! ;)

As I said earlier I've survived my first semester of pharmacy school--YAY! It has not been without stress and tears, that's for sure. I've enjoyed the content, but not so much the volume of content...guess that's what I asked for choosing a 3 year program over 4 though : P It's not quite what I expected it to be, but only 3 more semesters until I get to do the fun stuff--rotations! I've became friends with a couple of pretty awesome girls as the semester went on. There are definitely times that I think I would have gone a little crazy without them--Kristine and Lindsey, you are the best!!!!!

We are praying that the odds will be in my favor and I will get assigned to sites in the Tacoma or Seattle area (I'd even take Olympia! : P) for my third year so we can move back up this direction and possibly start thinking about buying our first house! Not getting too ahead of ourselves just yet - one day at a time for now :)

Despite the stress I've made sure that we get out and do stuff on the weekends when I can afford the time to--we've gone on a few beautiful hikes,explored the new territory, got to hang out with our nephews in Portland a couple of weekends, and have had a great time hanging out with our friends Josh and Sarah. It's been nice to see them more than once a year like we had for the past few years! A few nights I got to play volleyball with a group that Lindsey and her husband played with, it was so great to get out during the week and do some fun exercise--even if I did come home pretty bruised from throwing myself around diving for the ball ;) I signed up to play on a non-competitive league but haven't heard for sure if they'll be able to find a spot for me since I didn't sign up with a team, but either way I plan on continuing trying to play. I could certainly use more exercise in my life...couldn't we all, though? :)

I think that sums up the highlights for now! We are looking forward to spending Christmas with our families and ringing in the new year with great friends. I can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us!