Wednesday, March 27, 2013

{6/52}: Stop it.

One thing I find extremely annoying is people getting into heated debates on Facebook over political/religious issues. Yet, yesterday I found myself engaging in one. It was by no means heated, but it was something that struck a nerve and I couldn't help but say something.

Why I don't get into "discussions" about these kinds of things: everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and everyone deserves respect of those opinions. You typically don't associate yourself with people who have beliefs on the opposite spectrum of your own, therefore you don't have to constantly defend your position. This is why I don't engage in these kinds of conversations willingly--it leads to slippery slopes and things like "Well if you think everyone should be able to choose who they love and be happy, to have the same legal rights as everyone else, then does that mean you think its right for women to get abortions and people to kill other people because that would make them feel better?" Apples and oranges, people. No, it does not mean that. Nobody wins these conversations, not that winning them is important or even the point of having them. 

Slippery. Slope.

My traditional religion tells me certain things are wrong, your life should be lived a certain way. My personal faith does not always agree with what my religion says. And my education tends to blur the line even further. I usually have more emotional reasons to back up what I think when it comes to religious, and even political matters rather than cold hard facts. I don't know the Bible inside and out. I can't pull verses out of my head that "prove" something is right or wrong. But I do know the personal, spiritual relationship that I have within myself. The thing that drives me to the decisions I make, the friends I keep company with, and allows me to love my family with unconditional love, and treat others with the respect that they deserve. Period. 

I love when I come across things that say exactly what I wanted to say. I certainly do no take credit for this as my own, but I certainly agree. Stop it.

Stepping down from my soap box now...


Monday, March 18, 2013

{5/52} Spring is almost here!

I am officially ready for some warmer weather!! We are getting anxious for the rain to let up--even though that's never a guarantee around here--and get out and do some camping, hiking, etc.

I was quite happy to see that the cherry tree in the back yard is starting to bloom--a sign of hope! lol

Working nights is kinda kicking my butt...I've got the whole sleeping during the day thing down, but my body is just not liking the switching back and forth. Plus on the weeks on I get absolutely nothing done around the house or for the wedding, so I spend the week off catching up and then it goes by way too fast : P Thankfully I will not be doing it regularly after the beginning of April and will feel like I have time to post (and take) more photos of us out and about as well as about the projects we are working on.

I am excited to work on an and share some more from the photo shoots Ive done over the past couple weeks but haven't finished editing them as of yet--so the beauty of the cherry tree and those two little nephews that always make me smile is what I share today--Van having a blast with the balloons at his mom's baby shower, and Joey a couple of weeks ago being a ham for the camera before happily taking out the garbage : )

Thursday, March 7, 2013

{4/52}: Joy

My 2 cents of the day...

As I was backing up the pictures on my iPhone (I would cry if I ever lost any photos I've taken...), I came across this little gem that I had saved a while ago. When I saved it I said "Wow, that's so true!" ..and moved on with life.

Today, however, it kinda floored me.

I know what joy is, but I decided to look up the definition...not that there aren't several depending on where you look. So, according to Merriam-Webster:

Joy - the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the
prospect of possessing what one desires.

I am my own worst critic, and beyond guilty of letting comparison steal my joy, whether that be with the photos I take, the friends and acquaintances I have, or the place that I'm at with school. This does not mean that I am  not a happy person or that I am unhappy with life. I have so much to be thankful for, so much to be completely overjoyed about, and that I am.

I don't feel the need to go into detail, but a lesson I need to learn: to stop being so damn critical of myself.

I think we can all benefit from remembering this little quote. Striving to be your best doesn't always mean being the best, as cliche as that may sound. Love the ones you've got, enjoy the little things in life, be thankful  every day for what you've been given, and for the chance to do it all again tomorrow.