Saturday, December 17, 2011

Finally catching up!

Fall mini sessions: success : )
First Thanksgiving I've hosted: turned out pretty good.
Fall semester complete: check, finally!
Wait where did fall go? And why isn't there snow on the ground yet??
Christmas tree cut and decorated: it's pretty!
Presents wrapped: almost ; )
Photo sessions over break: in the works!
Studying for PCAT in January: I'll get there...

Wow. It doesn't look that busy when I sum it up like that, but man on man have the last few months been packed! I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, evidenced by the last two days, my first two days off from the end of the semester and I've helped my mom decorate her new house for Christmas, made  an Ikea run, and gotten my brothers futon put together and entertainment center hooked up. I'm not complaining my any means, but as much as I say I want to, this girl clearly doesn't know how to just sit still : )

So let's go back to late October/early November. I finished up the fall mini sessions that I was doing and had so much fun doing them! I can't wait to do it again next year and hopefully get a few more booked, but the amount I had was just enough to keep me happy and sane ; ) Here's a quick recap of the 3 other fall sessions that I did..

The Giovanelli's
This adorable little family was way too fun to shoot, and the leaves at Wright Park were absolutely perfect! Even though they live out of state, I hope to get to take their family portraits again next year when they come to visit their family!

The Gay Family
Even though their little girls were just not in the mood for a photo shoot, it was still a pleasure to work with them--not to mention the girls are absolutely adorable!

The Belcourt's
I have the pleasure of working with the lovely lady of this household, Maria. It was so much fun getting to meet her husband and kids and capture some great pictures of those handsome boys she's got : )

Thank you to all of you for the opportunity to work with you and your families! It was a great learning experience for me and hopefully you are as proud of the end product as I am : )

Thanksgiving this year was the first time that I, and Cody, hosted dinner. We jumped all over trying to find different spins on the holiday traditions, and aside from the turkey taking longer than we thought in the smoker it turned out great : )  (A very big thanks to my stepfather for getting the turkey ready for the smoker!) I actually had fun making everything, with the help of my wonderful mom, and maybe it was because we weren't cooking for very many people, but it was pretty stress free!

The end of Thanksgiving break brought on the final two weeks of fall semester, along with getting our Christmas tree and making the house a little festive. I also checked off another DIY project off of my to-do list and I like how it turned out..

While I was out painting and waiting for the vases to dry, I had a little friend pay several visits to the feeder on the back porch : )

A few more random pictures to share..
One morning I got ready to leave and had to hold off what I was about to do and get my camera to capture the beauty outside my front door

Words cannot describe how happy I am to be done with this semester! I do not have to return to classes until February 8th--it will be a glorious two months off, and man do I have a lot of things lined up to get done! I am taking the PCAT again on January 10th so I need to start being diligent about studying for it at least a few hours every day. But, I am so excited for Christmas time, for my brother to visit in January, and to head out to Oklahoma for a few weeks in January to hang out with my Dad and the rest of the family down there. This break from school is much needed : )

I think the last bit of news is that Cody and I "celebrated" our 3rd anniversary on December 7th--it's in quotes because we just went out for Chinese that night : )  I got him this poster he has been talking about for months, but I haven't gotten my present yet...I guess I was booking up our weekends and he needed a Friday or Saturday to take me wherever it is he wants to take me. Oh an my present was too big to wrap so it was being kept in the back of his mom's car...? I don't know what this boy has up his sleeves, but I will find out what he's had "planned" next Friday ; )

Be on the lookout for the latest photo shoots soon : )  I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas--only 8 more days!