Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's been a long one!

This weekend has been a much needed relaxing time...and Saturday isn't even over yet! The week was packed for me--genetics test on Monday, studied for an organic chemistry test all day Tuesday and on Wednesday had the test kick my butt (as well as the rest of the class). Thursday was a very long day--went to work at 5 and when I went to leave for golf class at 1:30 I discovered my car wouldn't start, fantastic!! Thankfully Cody works at the same hospital, so he let me take his truck to golf and got security to jump my car and took it straight to get a battery replacement. Right after that we both went to the Neighborhood Clinic to volunteer and didn't get back till almost 11 after going out to eat....needless to say I did NOT want to get up the next day! Friday's I've been staying at school till at least 4 working on the chem lab for the week, and I was one happy camper when I finally finished it around 5--hheeellooooo weekend! : D

The week also brought some exciting news, I was asked to do a shoot for a coworker's Key West!! I was already set to do their engagement session and the reception, but I am super excited to now be capturing their wedding as well! ....and not just because it's in a tropical destination ; )

The engagement session is in a couple of weeks (fingers crossed for decent weather!) so I, along with Cody, his mom, and my good friend, Brent, went roaming around Pt. Defiance, Ruston, and downtown Tacoma looking for some good/unique spots to take pictures and I think I've got some good ideas up my sleeve : )  While we were out, I decided to go for take 2 on my "assignment" from my mentor, and I feel like I was a little more successful this time.....and also feel like a creeper for the pictures of the super cute kids I captured *lol*

Yesterday evening I found out about a 5k/10k Walk & Run being held at Chamber's Bay in May and decided I needed to do it...and my best friends are doing it with me! Melanie and Brent will be fun running partners. I've been doing the Couch to 5k program on my iPhone (with the exception of this week, just too crazy...) so I'm hoping that I will be able to run at least half of it! But now I'll have other people to motivate me--even if I can't finish it running I think it will be a good time.

Here are my favorites from the day : )

Leave a comment and let me know which one is your favorite!

Hope everyone has a great week! : ) 

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